Chapter #: | 126 |
Title: | EDEN & Roboco 2 |
Release Date: | February 26, 2023 |
Story Arc: | Roboco’s Backstory |
Anime Episode: |
Roboco has used up her energy and has degraded to her weakened spindly kneed form while still fighting EDEN!
Additional Info
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Original Japanese | Rough English Translation |
㊗️100万部&戦闘力8万突破‼️‼️✨ みんなのおかげで 100万部&戦闘力8万超え😭😭💖💖 心からの感謝を込めて 記念企画も準備中なので お楽しみに😏😏✨ これからもロボコのこと よろしくです😎🤞💖 #僕とロボコ #蚊とんぼ膝ロボコ #貧相な膝でごめんね #CV水瀬いのり #蚊とんぼ膝でも強い系女子 | ㊗️1 Million copies & 80,000 Battle Power!!!!✨ It’s thanks to all of you, that we have over 1 million copies and 80,000 Battle Power😭😭💖💖 It’s a heartfelt thanks to all of you We are also planning a commemorative project Please look forward to it😏😏✨ Stay in touch with Roboco Thank you😎🤞💖 #Me & Roboco #Roboco’s Spindly Knees #Sorry for my weak knees #Character Vocal: Inori Minase #A strong girl even with spindly knees |